Category: Growth

  • Cooking Is A Rollercoaster Of Suck But I Love It

    Restaurants are never a desired career for many, but for people crazy enough to do it, cooking is the most rewarding profession. Is it soul-sucking? Oh, you betcha. It certainly can be. Are you ever appreciated for what you do? A 99% chance of never. But god damn, the feeling you get from pumping out…

  • Don’t Ever Ask Me What My Favorite Color Is

    I was today years old when I discovered that you don’t have to give a complete asshole response when someone asks you “Hey, what’s your favorite color?” Now, normally, I’d reject that question with rage, kindly question the intelligence of the person asking me, and demand they never ask me such a dumb question again. …

  • The Greatest Procrastination Masterclass You’ve Never Heard Of

    This article is sponsored by: Procrastination.  The number one contributor to late articles. Do you have an article due, but you’re sick and tired of writing it ahead of time and want to write it at the very last minute, all while persuading yourself that it’s still technically Friday so your article isn’t that late? …

  • I’ve Never Experienced A Board Game Quite Like Gloomhaven

    (Before you begin your journey reading this week’s letter, I highly suggest you listen to the letter in its entirety. You’ll appreciate it later, I assure you.) 😀 Over the course of the last two years, Kacey and I have been playing Gloomhaven with our fellow band of misfits, Matt and Mariah. Every week, we…

  • Thanks to ‘Alone’ I’m Now a Bonafide Veggie Papa

    Sitting on my cozy couch, in my cozy home, with my cozy cup of coffee, cozied up with Kacey, we turn on the TV show ‘Alone’–a show about surviving in remote places around the world, alone, against 10 other people to see who can last the longest. The catch? They can only bring 10 items…

  • When Life Hands You Lemons, You Better Make Lemonade

    Wake up. Open Indeed. Scroll for an hour. Make coffee. Back to Indeed. This was starting to become a morning routine from hell. Yes, I’m equating finding a job to hell because, let’s be honest, it absolutely is.  I’d say I had my toes dipped in hell for a couple of weeks or so.  Then…