Category: Relationships

  • How I Stumbled Upon The Power Of Comfortable Silence

    There I am, sitting across from my date at the local Applebees. Palms sweating. Trying to think of anything to spark a conversation. An agonizing 30 seconds go by—pure silence. My skin begins to itch because this silence is turning into the definition of awkward. I start to feel as if I’m sitting in a…

  • When’s The Last Time You Wrote a Love Letter?

    If I were to transport myself back to the days when smartphones weren’t even a concept and Wi-Fi would’ve melted someone’s brain if you told them about it, I’d land in a time where emotions were not confined to the boundaries of a simple text message. The good ol’ days. Back when putting pen to…

  • 7 Ways I’ve Learned How To Be An Adult In A Relationship

    Looking back on life, I can definitely recall a time when I was the definition of a man-child. In relationships, I remember being jealous, resentful, and angry, and I’d be the absolute king of holding grudges. If I ever felt hurt or ignored, I’d bottle that and end up exploding days later at the tiniest…

  • Happy Birthday Kacey

    My mind’s been racing lately. I feel like there’s so much I want to do, but so little time to do it. I want to have kids, get married, start a business (multiple businesses to be honest), spend time with friends and family, play tennis for hours on end, and put hundreds of hours into…

  • We’re Ready For The Next Chapter

    Kacey went golfing the other day for a charity event, so I was home alone deep into my thoughts.  Within these thoughts, an epiphany hit me.  When Kacey and I first started dating, we were traveling at the speed of light. We moved in together within 2 months, bought a house at 3, and were…

  • A Few Words About My Dad

    Kacey and I just watched the movie “A Man Called Otto” Otto is a grumpy son of a bitch. An old codger who is watching the world go to hell all around him, including his own life.  The film is quite a tear-jerker. Spoiler alert here, but Otto passes away at the end from a…